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Barred Owl Near Austin, Texas |
Day 4
Dogs and Owls Around Austin
Eric and I left our hotel early and drove through a fog to meet with a local leader of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America so we could begin setting up the course for the Working Aptitude Evaluation (WAE) Eric would conduct for more than 20 dogs. I had never been to a WAE so I was looking forward to learning about the process and meeting the people and their beloved dobermans.
Eric greeted and oriented the participants just before the evaluations began. Each dog had to remain out of sight and away from the course until it was its time to pass through the course. Each male dog went through the course first so they would not be distracted by the scent of a female that had been through the course ahead of them.
I captured a few images of the dogs and their owners as they individually passed through the course. One of the owners,Destani, gave me permission to share a couple of images I captured as her dog Ego made his way through the course. Ego responded properly at this stage of the course when the lady in the camp chair unexpectedly popped open the umbrella as Destani and Ego approached.
Eric would provide feedback and instructions to the owners based on how their dogs responded to the various challenges of the course.
After observing a few dogs passing through the various stages of the WAE course I walked over to the expo center across the parking lot to experience my first visit to an All-breed Conformation Show. I could not believe all the breeds that had been gathered in one place. The owners took great care to groom and prepare their dogs for the conformations. It was very apparent that they adored their dogs. I asked a few of the dog owners if it would be okay to photograph their dog with my phone and each one of them had a smile on their face as they approved. Here is a very small sampling of the numerous breeds that were participating in the Conformation Show. I welcome correction if I have incorrectly identified the breed. I am far from an expert when it comes to identifying dog breeds.
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Poodle |
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Dachshund |
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Spaniel |
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Afghan Hound |
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Boerboel |
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Belgian Tervuren |
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Spaniel |
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Golden Retriever |
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Poodle |
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Hairless Terrior |
Hornsby Bend
We let the GPS guide us to Hornsby Bend and became a little confused when it directed us to enter a gate that was monitored by a guard station. I wondered if we'd somehow gotten the wrong location, but the guard, who was quite familiar with birders, noticed the confused looks on our faces and quickly assured us we were in the right place. She then told us how to enter Hornsby Bend for birding.
A pond presented our first observation of birds. Savannah Sparrows flushed from the tall grasses along the road sides as we drove along the road bordering the pond. An Egyptian Goose (lifer) was a nice bird to see on the water since I was not expecting to see one.
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Egyptian Goose Hornsby Bend Austin, Texas |
After going back to the hotel for a few things we set out for another target owl species, The Eastern Screech-owl. Unlike the Barred Owl, which is active diurnally and nocturnally, the Eastern Screech-owl is strictly nocturnal. We reviewed recent sightings for Eastern Screech and decided to head over to Red Bud Trail. We arrived before it was completely dark so we chilled in the van for a little bit. We picked up Field Sparrow for another species to add to our list for the trip as I noticed them in the brush on the other side of the road from where we were parked.
Red Bud Trail
We heard our first owl call from deep in the woods about twenty minutes after the sun had sunk below the horizon. I played a call and the bird passed over my head and landed in a tree right next to me. I called Eric over so he could see it was well.
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Eastern Screech-owl Near Austin, Texas |
Day 5
The Final Morning in Texas
West Bouldin Creek Greenbelt
We started our last morning in Austin at West Bouldin Creek Greenbelt, a birding hot spot with recent reports of Barred Owls. The weather was consistent with every other day of our trip, gray skies with a dose of cold air and intermittent rain.

The greenbelt was quiet, but we managed to tally 17 or so species as we casually walked through the woods listening and looking for Barred Owls. Prior to our trip I had hopes of herping (looking for reptiles and amphibians) while in Texas. However, if you've followed the recent blog post you know the conditions were not conducive to cold blooded reptiles--few reptiles are active when the temperatures are in the forties. However, I got the idea to look for salamanders as we passed through the woods of the greenbelt. I carefully flipped a few rotted logs to avoid damaging habitat while checking for salamanders. Those efforts proved more productive than looking for Barred Owls because I managed to find several Western Slimy Salamanders pretty quickly.
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Western Slimy Salamander Austin, Texas |
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Western Slimy Salamander Austin, Texas |
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Western Slimy Salamander Austin, Texas |
We had a little more time before we had to head out to the airport so we did a little research in the Birdseye app and agreed to make Mayfield Park our last stop of the trip.
Mayfield Park
Birding Mayfield Park proved to be a good decision. Our walk through the woods and down to the water turned up some handsome Wood Ducks, a Belted Kingfisher, and a Great Blue Heron perched in a tree top. Mallards, Cedar Waxwings, and Downy Woodpeckers were also discovered along the way. A pair of Red-shouldered Hawks gave a few screams as they soared above us, but I kept my eyes peeled and my head on a swivel as I tried to observe every possible Barred Owl roost I could. Then came that moment when Eric and I both stopped in our tracks and listened intently to see if we'd heard what we thought we heard. And we did, because heard it again--the distant "who, who, who cooks for you" call of a Barred Owl. It was coming from behind so we reversed our direction and quickly and quietly made our way toward the owl. We soon discovered that there were actually two owls calling. Those big black eyes were shining despite the lack of direct sunlight.
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Barred Owl Austin, Texas |
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Barred Owl Calling in Austin, Texas |
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Barred Owl Austin, Texas |
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Barred Owl Austin, Texas |
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Barred Owl Austin, Texas |
The Black Eye
I wanted to make the photo shoot with the Barred Owl a memorable one. Let me
start by saying that out of nineteen owl species in the US and Canada only four
have black eyes. Most species have yellow irises. Right as we were about
to stop photographing the owl and just before heading to the airport I got the
idea that I could get a better angle on the owl by climbing onto and walking along the top of a rock wall. I finished with the owl and then thought about jumping down
from the wall. It seemed a bit too high so I walked farther down the wall to where
the ground was a few feet closer. I jumped, landed unevenly, and shockingly found myself falling backward onto my tail bone and then onto my
back. My head bounced against the soft, rain-soaked ground, and then my
harnessed binoculars collided with my face, making a direct hit to my left
brow. Throughout this chain reaction of bouncing and banging things that
shouldn't have been banged nor bounced I instinctively held about $4k worth of
camera and lens in my right hand as if it were the torch of the statue of
liberty. I naturally sacrificed the body while protecting the gear. While flat
on my back on the side of a road I made a declaration followed by a rhetorical
question. "That was so stupid! What were you thinking?" And then I
quickly looked around to see if anyone saw my very clumsy move. I was relieved
to learn that it would remain unknown to others until I shared it with the
world through a blog post. When I got into the van I looked in the mirror and
realized that I was bleeding from my brow. I washed away the blood by squirting
water onto some napkins I had left over from a restaurant and then borrowed and
applied Eric's bottle of cold iced tea to the wound to try to prevent swelling.
Here is a collage documents the fact that I got a black eye while trying to
photograph a black-eyed owl. I'm sure that not a claim very many birders would
ever want to make.
It took until we were inside the airport, but we finally made it to one of our planned BBQ restaurants in Austin, The Salt Lick. A great meal capped off a great Texas adventure.